Thursday, January 27, 2011

Six Nations Rugby starts Feb. 5

I'm going to need to put a photo of myself on the dresser so my wife will remember what I look like, what with all that's going on next Saturday.  Before the Rory Miggins Irish festival on the afternoon of the 5th, the Six Nations rugby tournament starts up in the morning.

Any sport where your nose is your facemask gets my attention, and Scotland is scheduled to paste France at 11 am our time Saturday.  Richmond Arms is showing the Ireland game at 8:30, followed by the Scotland match.  If anyone wants to pre-game the afternoon festival, I'll be there in my Murray jersey, yelling my damned fool head off.

Friday, January 21, 2011

SASBE is now on Twitter

Yes, it's 2011, but I'm still stuck around 2006 when it comes to technology.  To cut down on the number of emails that go out, and to keep a better eye on what's happening around Houston, the Society is now on Twitter.  Follow us on @sasbe_Houston

Robert Burns Night, 1/29 @ Red Lion Pub

First I find out about the St. Patrick's Day fundraiser on the 5th, then comes ol' Craig at Red Lion Pub with Robert Burns Night.  Marvelous stuff, this.  I won't insult your intelligence by going into Robert Burns' background-- Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal wrote a marvelous column at the end of the year featuring good Mr. Burns and his efforts to document Scottish folk songs, among them Auld Lang Syne.  Click on the picture of Burnsey for a link to her column.  It's a real cockle-warmer, especially after New Year's, now that we're back to our business and have set about re-forgetting the memories we tried so hard to recall during the holiday season.

Anyway, Burns Night is next Saturday, the 29th, at Red Lion Pub on Shepherd at 7 pm.  Craig will be serving haggis, and he's about the only person in town I can think of whom I'd trust to prepare such a concoction.  There'll be a Best Man in a Kilt contest and other fun stuff, no doubt.  The boys at the Red Lion really know how to throw a party, so this should be a good one!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Pre-Game, February 5

Andy Goolsbee and I reconnoitered The Harp last night in advance of next week's meeting (good news, they still sell beer to people like me and Andy), and saw a poster for the 2011 Rory Miggins Memorial Irish Stew Cookoff and Music Festival, on February 5.  You can learn more about it here:

It's great enough to see that my favorite holiday seems to be starting earlier this year.  Even better, as part of the festivities there's a Guinness Drinking Relay.  I don't know what that is, beyond that it is the coolest thing I've ever heard of.  They're also raffling off what's being touted as a Barrel of Booze.  The mind reels.

The event is from Noon to 6 pm on Saturday, Feburary 5 at the Continental Club.  Andy and I will be there to represent our noble cause; if you have time, stop by and join us!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Testing Assignments, and the next meeting

Thanks to everyone who made it out last week for our first meeting at Kelvin Arms.  That was the most productive I had been all month.

The first test assignments were doled out, and Andy Goolsbee drew the high card to receive a bottle of Chimay Red Label to study for the benefit of the group.  Jim Redden got the sixer of Shiner Bock.  He and Shiner go way back, which fits the notion of revisiting an old standard with a critical eye very well.  Finally, Russell Ford got the Budweiser Michelada, which was a big can of beer with Clamato already mixed in.  His interpretation of this alcoholic abomination should be very interesting-- based on the gusto with which my lawn guy pounds one of these things before cutting my grass, Russell is in for a real treat.

A quick recap on the testing parameters:
Three specimens will be presented for consideration: the first, a craft beer or spcial-edition brew that represents the top tier of the brewmaster's trade; the second, a mass-market selection that might not othewise receive careful study from such an august organization as the Society; the third, a "beer" the likes of which a penurious college student would decline to sample.  Willing participants will draw cards, and the three highest cards get the honor of querying the samples in the comfort of their own places of repose.  Surviving testers will deliver a brief report on the sampled product.  Bonus points will be awarded for reviews that incorporate visual aids, or are presented in verse.  Points are meaningless.

The next meeting of the group will be held on Tuesday, February 1 at the Harp on Richmond Avenue, at 5:30 pm.  Andy, Jim and Russell will share their research results, and three new beers will be assigned, so don't miss it.

For more information on The Harp, click here.