The Saint Andrew Society for Beer Enjoyment has existed in near secrecy (thanks to poor handling by its publicist) since 1736, but its meetings have been the catalyst for many of the greatest events, inventions, and gestures of philanthropy in the past quarter millennium. Among them: the American and Bolshevik Revolutions, Saran Wrap, The Beatles' appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show and orphanages.
I invite you to join fellow enthusiasts at Kelvin Arms on Tuesday, December 28 at 4:00 pm for a few barley-based libations, as we prepare to relegate the year’s events to distant memory while bracing for whatever 2011 is conspiring to spring upon us all at the worst possible moment.
This first meeting will also be the start of the beer testing process. Three specimens will be presented for consideration: the first, a craft beer or spcial-edition brew that represents the top tier of the brewmaster's trade; the second, a mass-market selection that might not othewise receive careful study from such an august organization as the Society; the third, a "beer" the likes of which a penurious college student would decline to sample. Willing participants will draw cards, and the three highest cards get the honor of querying the samples in the comfort of their own places of repose.
At the next meeting, surviving testers will deliver a brief report on the sampled product. Bonus points will be awarded for reviews that incorporate visual aids, or are presented in verse.
This first meeting will also be the start of the beer testing process. Three specimens will be presented for consideration: the first, a craft beer or spcial-edition brew that represents the top tier of the brewmaster's trade; the second, a mass-market selection that might not othewise receive careful study from such an august organization as the Society; the third, a "beer" the likes of which a penurious college student would decline to sample. Willing participants will draw cards, and the three highest cards get the honor of querying the samples in the comfort of their own places of repose.
At the next meeting, surviving testers will deliver a brief report on the sampled product. Bonus points will be awarded for reviews that incorporate visual aids, or are presented in verse.
For more information on Houston’s favorite Scottish pub, please visit. What makes it Scottish? The Sean Connery Tribute Wall.
I look forward to seeing you there, Cameron Wallace
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